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Are Hearing Aids In Fort Wayne Waterproof?

Before giving an answer to this question, it’s important to first clarify the difference between waterproof and water-resistant. While many people use these terms interchangeably, the reality is they mean very different things. Accidentally mistaking –resistant for –proof could mean a visit to the Audiologist Fort Wayne Indiana much sooner than anticipated. So how do…

Fort Wayne Audiology: Diabetes in Hearing and Balance Care

Today I’ll review the pathophysiology of diabetes on the cochlea and the vestibular canals, as well as on the neural system. The result is a disruption in the perception of hearing and in balance, which increases risk of falls. I’ll explain how Fort Wayne Audiology Centerwill ensure the best patient outcomes for diabetes care. Diabetes in…

Best Audiologist in Austin

Going to the Audiologist Austin Tx and getting a hearing test for the first time may be nerve-racking, and perhaps you don’t know what to expect. Here are a few tips for those of you about to take your first trip to the audiologist. What to tell your audiologist There are many causes of hearing…

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